Invest in your happiness...
This past year we all had to adjust to changes to our routines and for nearly all of us that meant more time at home. With our focus shifting back to the home we found many of our friends and clients looking to us to help address little issues that caused big problems.
Back pain
Even those of us who don't normally have issues found our backs getting significantly more sore this past year. Often this was due to poor seating in our ersatz offices and school rooms. Dining room chairs, or even worse benches don't cut it for an extended work or school day.
For those clients, we sourced high-end ergonomic office chairs. The Herman Miller Aeron Chair is our favorite with the Steelcase Leap V2 being a close second. And yes, of course, we own and use both.
Sound sensitivity
Open floor plans and barn doors are not good choices when you need a quiet environment. Assuming that applying cork to every surface in a room is not an option, the fastest way to get the relief I know of is to pick up active noise-canceling headphones. I live in my Bose NC 700s and have been able to write a newsletter, a column, two blog posts, and a slew of emails today all in blissful silence.
Poor sleep
There are many factors that impact the amount and quality of sleep we get but some of our solutions have included: New Mattresses that support your weight properly. New sheets that better align with your temperature preference.
New pillows that also take into account your needs for support and temperature preferences. Window treatments that control light. And finally weighted blankets for those who enjoy their comforting sensation.
Have an issue that needs addressing? Send us an email, we're happy to have a chat.