1. Luxury Vinyl Plank floors. Accidents happen, having a floor where you can clean them up when you find them is a must. Coretec is one of our favorite brands https://coretecfloors.com/
2. Vinyl floor cloths. Much like the flooring these are a great alternative to absorbent rugs. We personally have a number of pieces from Spicher and Company https://www.spicherandco.com/
3. Crypton Leather. Our family room sofa is upholstered in a beautiful Crypton leather which is both easy to wipe fur off of as well as other things... https://crypton.com/our-fabric/commercial-fabric/crypton-leather/
4. Zinsser B-I-N. If you need to block a smell, and block a smell so well that even the dog can't smell it then this is the product for you. Accept no substitute. https://www.rustoleum.com/product-catalog/consumer-brands/zinsser-products/shellac-base-primer/b-i-n-shellac-base-primer
5. Treats. Come on, you know they deserve it. All of our client's dogs who are allowed receive them. Our personal favorites are from Trader Joe's, but frankly most of the pups are less than picky. https://www.traderjoes.com/